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SEOUL, Nov 18 (Reuters) - More than half a million South Koreans sat for the annual national college entrance exams on Thursday, pandemic rules adding stress to the eight-hour event seen as life-defining in Asia's fourth-largest economy.

"I couldn't go to private institutes, study rooms, nor school properly due to coronavirus," said 17-year-old Ahn Jeong-min. "Still, I'm vaccinated, and everyone will wear face masks and use partitions during the exam, so I think I can take the exam well, feeling comfortable rather than much concern."

CNET birthed its website in June 1995, just before the Internet Gold Rush (subsequently dubbed the "dotcom bubble" when it ended five years later) officially began on Aug. 9 when Netscape's IPO went ballistic. 

This year's test-takers didn't face the delays and uncertainties of the first pandemic-era exams last year, but COVID-19 measures have left their mark on the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) widely considered as indispensable for landing one of a limited number of jobs in a competitive society.

She is one of only two current foreign-born etoiles at the renowned company, defying years of different training, a language barrier, injury and the POB's notorious competitive exams, which determine all but the highest promotions through its rigid five-rank

Although the South Korean government has not expressed an official statement, Culture Minister Hwang Hee told South Korean media on Saturday that referring to people as a minority means it hasn't become a sovereign country, which could cause "misunderstanding" in bilateral relations, according to Yonhap.

AOL's newsworthy decision to include "breast" on its indecent word list (and its subsequent reversal) seems quaint in light of today's fractures over violence, hate speech and the spread of dangerous lies.  Online services started to feel the pressure to monitor subscribers.

SEOUL, Feb 5 (Reuters) - South Korean politicians and activists criticised what they called China's "cultural appropriation", after a woman appearing to be wearing Korean traditional dress appeared among those representing China's different ethnic groups during the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Games on Friday.

When she arrived in Paris aged 21, she spoke little French and had never attended classes at POB's affiliated ballet school -- which provides around 90 percent of its dancers and teaches a dance style that prioritises elegance and

At the time she was particularly praised for her technique, such as leaps and turns, but Park says she always wanted something more and found her inspiration in YouTube videos of POB dancers, including its current director Aurél

AltaVista, the first commercial internet-crawling search engine publicly launched. RealAudio integrated streaming music into the major browsers: Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer and different flavors of Mosaic, to name a few. Both Netscape Navigator and IE added Javascript support, paving the way for the modern, interactive web. If you liked this article therefore you would like to collect more info regarding @limitlessv i implore you to visit our own web page. The keepers of the HTML standard, the W3C, added forms to the HTML spec, enabling shopping and other transactional tasks.

Everyone tried to find a way to impose some sort of order on the web-slash-internet, to avoid succumbing to feeling lost; that same feeling you get when shopping for a USB cable on Amazon. We generated endless lists of cool websites to see and Internet directories like Yahoo, which introduced its search feature in 1995. There were novel, but ultimately doomed, startups like Webrings, the spiritual predecessor of "see next," and over the course of the following years more serious technologies like Backweb, the grandaddy-in-law of push notifications.

After Black Lives Matter protests gained momentum in France, the Paris Opera in February launched a diversity drive, commissioning an independent audit that pointed out only 25 of the ballet's 154 performers were from

"We cannot remain angry, but make the world more aware of the truth that hanbok is a traditional Korean costume," Seo Kyoung-duk, a professor at Sungshin Women's University and activist promoting South Korean culture, wrote in his Instagram account.

"This is not the first time China has introduced Korean culture as if it were its own... If the anti-China sentiment of the Korean people becomes stronger by leaving this issue as is, it will be a big obstacle when conducting diplomacy with China in the future," Lee said.

It was before cats took over, before you could DM, PM or IM anyone. Before the Internet Archive. Before the CDA and DMCA. As this groundwork was being laid, the web in the first half of 1995 bore little resemblance to our experience today. Before GIFs became ironic. Not just before Google -- before AltaVista. Nothing popped up before, during or after you loaded a page. Before push notifications, before Flash, before shopping was common and streaming was possible.

"We deeply regret that hanbok appeared among the costumes of Chinese minorities at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics," wrote ruling party lawmaker Lee So-young in her Facebook page on Saturday, referring to a woman dressed in a white top and pink dress among people that passed the Chinese flag during the ceremony.