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Procedures are being made on an as-needed basis.


Reimbursements are paid after the fact. They are limited to the following items:

  • Step 1: Purchase Items and save the receipt if possible
  • Step 2: Fill out the reimbursement form to request reimbursement. Be sure to upload a photo of receipt if possible.
  • Step 3: Wait 5 days for reimbursement. If you do not hear back within that time, email

Forming a Local Chapter

  • Process for forming a local chapter has not been formalized.
  • Current working rule: Three or more TANC organizers can start a chapter. At the early stages, a chapter should work on building some capacity by doing outreach. A good way to do this is to offer know your rights trainings, TANC organizers from other locals can help you with this. Just ask!

Joining TANC

Anyone who is a tenant—a person who is not in control of their own housing situation—can participate in TANC and help build the organization. However, getting more deeply involved and becoming a TANC organizer requires a few steps. This process is a new one, developed by the Onboarding Working Group. The purpose of doing this is to provide a more easy integration into TANC, and to communicate an understanding of TANC's short, medium and long term strategy.

  • Step 1: Attend a TANC meeting or event.
  • Step 2: Fill out the join form at
  • Step 3: An onboarding person will reach out to you. They will schedule a short meeting to get you acquainted with TANC and how we organize.
  • Step 4: You'll be asked to do a TANC inquiry with people with whom you are aquatinted. This can be your housemates, a neighbor or coworkers.
  • Step 5: You will work with the onboarding person to chose a working group, local chapter or committee to work on.
  • Step 6: Congrats, you are now a TANC core organizer!

Paying Optional Dues

As of 2019 TANC dues are totally optional, but recommended. Dues are used for the following: monthly rent for our meeting space and print shop; meeting supplies including food; educational materials; community events; and, mobilizations. To pay monthly dues or to make a one-time donation, go to

Internal Structure


Meetings are used to make decisions, discuss ongoing issues, and to draw new members into the organization. All meetings are posted at

  • General Assembly: Every last Sunday, at Omni Commons in Oakland. Assembly is open to all, and is used for making TANC-wide decisions and organizing plans.
  • Monday Working Meeting: Every Monday preceding the last Sunday of each month. Closed for TANC members—used for making strategic and organizational decisions.
  • Local Meetings: Neighborhood Locals should have their own meetings. Check the TANC website calendar for meeting details. Local meetings are used to make organizing decisions locally—for example outreach events, or building organizing assistance. As of 2019, locals are currently being constructed, so most activity is centered around building capacity.


Committees serve the purpose of doing ongoing work that ensures that TANC continues to grow, interact with the three layers: TANC organizers, TANC adjacent tenants, and the unorganized.

  • On-boarding Committee: Takes care of integrating new members into TANC, and offering them a process by which they can become TANC organizers. Point person: Justin G.
  • Outreach Committee: Takes care of facebook event pages, monthly email newsletter, and some outreach event planning as needed. Point person: Leslie R.

Working Groups

Working groups are oriented around specific projects.

  • Houseless Working Group: The houseless organizing committee has been operative since mid-2018. See website calendar for meetings.
  • Public Housing Working Group: Public housing committee is currently on pause. Public housing committee began organizing at the Campbell Village in West Oakland in 2019. However, limited capacity has brought this organizing to a hault.


TANC description of locals. How they can become started.

Current Locals

  • West Oakland:
  • East of the Lake:
  • North Oakland:
  • Berkeley: